The Consciousness of Water


The other day I came across the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who studied the molecular structure of water. He discovered that human words and sounds can actually change the molecular structure of water. In his study he exposed water molecules to ‘kind’ words and ‘mean’ words. Molecules exposed to kind words were symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing in shape, whereas the mean word molecules looked more like broken blobs. He did similar studies exposing water molecules to prayer and different types of music. Dr. Emoto believed that this proves the consciousness of water. Here are some photos of his work when speaking kind words and mean words:


What is consciousness? According to the Oxford Dictionary it is the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings; a person’s awareness or perception of something. What separates us from most of our four-legged friends on the planet is that we humans experience feelings and emotions, we are self-aware. What makes Dr. Emoto’s study so fascinating is that it proves that something inanimate like water has a living consciousness. I think it reminds us how necessary it is to approach life with a soft touch, to be kind to ourselves and to others.

Through Yoga we can change the structure and physiology of our brain so that it vibrates at a higher frequency. Yoga philosophers believe that Yoga can help a person to arrive at a higher consciousness. Through compassion, kindness and gratitude we can achieve a higher level of consciousness and emanate these positive dispositions to those around us.