Yin vs Restorative Yoga


Yin and Restorative Yoga are two styles of Yoga that you may see offered at your local Yoga studio. You’re probably aware that both of these forms of Yoga are much less physically intense than the traditional Hatha or Vinyasa class, but you may not realise that there are different benefits of each style. Yin … [Read more…]

A Few Groovy Blogs

Being a newbie in the yoga blogger world, I’ve learned that maintaining a blog is no easy task. I’m enjoying communicating with the world and sharing Yoga insights, but sometimes writing a blog post can feel like a dreaded homework assignment. There are countless Yoga websites out there in the blogosphere and I thought I’d … [Read more…]

A Mind Full of Mindfulness


Anyone feeling overwhelmed with the mindfulness propaganda these days? It’s easy to get wrapped up in how to live your best life. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness are definitely the buzz words these days and I’m glad these words are buzzing around. However, we also need to remember that most things in excess can do us … [Read more…]